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Palmer & Sofia

Palmer’s New Born Session (well sort of)….

As a gift, Melanie’s mom, Silke paid for her new granddaughter, Palmer to get some photos. Melanie reached out to me when Palmer was a couple months old and we scheduled pics to be about a month later. She decided she wanted an outdoor session. Then…. COVI-19 happened. So we had to push it out further. Before we knew it, Palmer was 8 months old and SURPRISE-Melanie is pregnant with baby #3. This time it’s a BOY! While dad was at work, Palmer, Sofia and Melanie got in a sweet mommy/daughter session before they bring baby boy into their lives. Palmer and Sofia are excited about the baby and they are adorable with each other. I know that they are going to be amazing with the new addition.

Social distancing is still in effect, so we didn’t really get to interact with Palmer and Sofia the way we normally would. This worked out because Sofia is an amazing big sister and rocked at getting Palmer to laugh and smile for the camera. We decided on an 11am time because Melanie said that is when Palmer is at her best. She is fed, rested and happy. She was not kidding! This little girl has the cutest personality and it really showed in the pics. There is one pic toward the end where Palmer gave us the warning “i’m getting tire of this with a big yawn, LOL!

Can’t wait to meet baby boy!

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