Tanya & Josh Engaged!


June 2, 2021

The Couple

Josh and Tanya have a lot in common. Other than each other, they both love diving! They visit Roatan often for diving trips. Tanya owns a company called Submerged. While on a trip to Roatan, Summer Dawn sang at the Grand Roatan hotel. This was different than every other time she performs because Josh sang the closing song- “Would You Go With Me” by Josh Turner (I can’t imagine him singing and should have asked him to recreate it, lol!) and ended the song by changing the words to “would you marry me”?  The ring he gave Tanya is a gorgeous yellow gold ring that was Josh’s mom’s.

The Session

We met relatively close to our homes at Kinder Farm Park (fun fact- we only live about 10 minutes from Tanya and Josh!). We chose Memorial Day because Josh works for the fire department with me, but is going through the police academy to become a fire investigator and he had the day off. I told them (as I tell all of my couples) that the first 15 minutes would be completely weird and uncomfortable, but I promised that we would have fun and get used to each other. This is exactly why we do complementary engagement sessions. We laughed SO MUCH! The wedding is going to be amazing! It is also at our favorite venue, Pine Ridge which is an added bonus!

Congrats Josh and Tanya! We are excited to capture your wedding day!


Jamie, Bob and Susan

  1. The thing isn’t about running out of addresses It is about IPv6 is objectively better then IPv4It is about all devices have a public address, and you can, if you want to, make devices accessible from internetNotice, accessible, IF you want to, and open the firewall for the deviceAnd about network segmentation, you get /56 network from your ISP that you can divide into 256 different public IPv6 networks (as it should always be /64 in LAN) And you can then put your devices that phone home, that is IoT devices that you buy, in that LAN And then open and close the Firewall between different LAN and internet as you likeNo, IPv6 is easier to set up, as you only need to add the device to a LAN and it will work with no infrastructure And with just a router, if you want to Or with a DHCPv6-server if you want toAnd you really should not use IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, you should use mDNS or DNS for accessing machines And with DNS you can use the same name for both IPv4 and IPv6So for home LAN, you should use IPv6 because it is as easy, or easier, to manage as IPv4, and you can easy add security by divide the network into different LAN depending on how you classify they device And lastly, it is just disturbance to have IPv6 for devices that should be accessible from outside Because that make a difference that doesn’t need to be there, and you would need to know which devices have IPv4 and which have IPv6Lastly, IPv6 is a new thing to learn and hack with And this site is devoted to hack stuff, isn’t it? 🙂

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